I've had TT off for riding and gyming it and all that, and I feel it, its only been 2 and a half weeks but im caked, i rode 10 minutes to the gym last night, did some upper body, a few low weight over head squats and some plyo and flet ok. I'm using the gym in one of mum's friends garages, its pretty basic but does what i need, they have a gym bike and i was sitting spinning off as dave was doing the bench, "ooo how fast are you going? I average 43kph, we think it only goes to 50" says his missus, strapped my feet in, and 72.8kph later we found out it went a little faster. So thought i'd do some sprints on the way home, bad one, i feel like i've lost all my leg speed and threw up on my doorstep.
I watched the video's from chessy the other day, cruiser looked good, 19+ scott killed it, and elite... main 1, what the hell was tuffy doing? maybe it was just the camara angle but that wasnt a move, that was a deliberate KO and i'd have DQ'd him for it. but thats just me, woop woop, i get my 1st race at ramsey this year on sunday, i'll let u all know how it goes.