So what’s the story morning glory? Things are great still I guess, just on the boat at the moment, taking a break from writing the Junior Development Plan for the I.o.M. Cycling Association, long story, I’ll explain later. Work is going well; it’s the coaches’ night out next Friday and the tripod that is Helen, Nicola and I where on full organising duties last night, we finally agreed on a lifeguard theme which should be a laugh. Was doing a multi sport session at QEII today for 8 – 11’s, one of the kids said it was the worst session he’d ever been on, granted he was stuck on the losing team and didn’t appreciate his twin sister beating him at most sports. But the same kids are on this boat and have come over and said hi, even the miserable one has cheered up in the past 2 hours. On reflection all three of this brothers and sister duo had a good day which is great from my point of view, it’s nice to know that their getting something out of my time.

So the JDP, Mike Doyle is the IOM CA’s head coach and he came down to the track on Sunday to say hi whilst we we’re doing a pre brits training session and track maintenance day, oh yer, after finishing work at 4 am on Friday I was at the track at 9 to start work on changing the 1st straight, I was the hands and Max from Lezayre Landscapes was the digger driver. Headed over the mountain to get some stuff from bikestyle for the brits, as they are sponsoring the club riders with water bottles and go bars etc. So after a weekend of hard work the track now has a roller and a BIG triple on the 1st straight, which riders pretty sweet, I’m leaving it for a weeks to settle in and will go back next week to re surface it.

So Ramsey's 1st straight now has a roller and a big tripple, im slightly concerned its a bit too big but oh well. The Brits are this weekend, if I can find enough money to scrape together to pay my phone bill I’ll be doing blog updates, if not, well... you’ll all be there. I’m shattered and boat is just nearing Liverpool, better head. Oh my, i've just read it, im so boring now, please someone help me, I want cutting edge journalism and i get no inspiration, hopefully i'll be buzzing in 2 hours, c'mon shinny!