Awsome, the mobile update worked and Rich liked it, a few comments about the blog today at the track which was ace, nice to know you guys are enjoying the read, except Silson, sorry man but I'm all about being PC mate.
So yesterday I decided I was going to make a full day of Coppull. Its worth getting up that extra bit early to give you some free time to drag out practice and only ride when you want too. So 8am i left the house and made it onto the track by 10. Pretty windy down the 1st straight but meant the last straight tail wind might lead to some moves going down. I again decided cruiser and 20", it was a good idea, and tbh it went pretty well, a lot better than bradford anyhow, cruiser was grand prix again so my 1.2.1. meant i had to win the 4th to get the points, twarn was gettin closer every moto and i kept leaving room to see if he was willing to make the move, he wasnt and i lead it from the 1st jump to the line, c'mon man, you've got the skills, where are you?!!!

Payback was OK, i think i could have made the main if i wasnt doing cruiser aswell, but, meh, ifs n buts n all that. Was with the big guns untill the 1st corner but then got tired n had nothing, cruised round the moto's just making the B-main, had a pretty good lap managing to snap the other guys and had my pick of lines round the track to take it, Boota did well missing out on the payback main by 1 moto point after doing his first full laps in 6 months.

The A main was awsome, Cal, Flem, Reidy, Ivesy, Levi, Kyle, Ethan Taylor and... Liam Snazel! Mrs Flip was on the finish line and couldn't believe it when hearing Snazels name on the mike. Cal lead from the start, this win should do his confidence a load of good. Reidy busted a mint move in 2nd to last corner lining Flem up, getting the step up smooth and swooping. Reidy interview coming soon.

Got another chance to see Mr Halls gate today and it really is growing on me. Bradford have just picked up a one man start gate and will recieve a two man version at Preston regional next month. I'm pretty excited, the gate works of a battery, magnet and spring, has random, NBL and ABA voice sequence, and a timing mat. This should be awsome! Great photo OJ, you can see Twarn watchin for tips. Sutty's already updated his blog after racing today, not only is the guy fast on the web, but he's looking rapid round the track, keep it up man, Cheddar 30-39 main has your name written all over it. Talking of which, its round 3 of the national series at Cheddar next weekend, and, I am excited! Cheers to Abi and OJ for photo's.
Anyhow, hung around after racing for a couple of hours and had a wicked sesh, just messin around and enjoying ridin my bike.
love life, love BMX

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