I'm gonna put it out there before all the bitching starts, I didnt race today because I was scared. Crewe track is huge, with really lippy take off and MEGA sharp downsides, even rolling out of the gate i was finding it hard to hit the downside of the 2nd jump when manualing it. I pulled out of racing after practice, I've got a busy couple of days coming up, didnt want to really push it and come off, and at the other end of the scale I didnt want to just roll round at the back making up numbers. Its not all bad though,
abi can make even me look good(ish)

So the track and all that, its just really hard work, as a track to learn how to jump there isnt a better one but I thought the racing sucked, Wozza and DC went big over the pro section so i guess that was the big show people where after but there wasnt any tight racing that i saw. The locals killed it, fair play to them, they ride there all the time and it really showed with a couple of the teen riders really ripping up their classes. Dave Swain had a nasty crash on the 3rd straight when manualing the 3rd set his top and downtube snaped clean off at the weld in his 2nd moto and he's broken his collar bone, get well soon man, give me a txt and let me know your OK.

So Wozza took the win, with Levi 2nd, DC 3rd, Cal 4th, Boota 5th, Sharpy 6th, Snazel 7th and Peebz 8th, well done on ur 1st main Josh. Check out
BMXtalk for all the debating you want converning the track, im sure there will be loads of idea's and opinions, cal has said it best so far with his idea, "if long nice bowled out landings were made for some of the jumps with short steep landings, it would work much better, without losing the radness to be had out of a session." Seems a good compomise.

Went to manchester track on the way back to just have a look around, looking really cool with loads of different types of jumps to keep everyone happy, Horticon dont quite seem to have found a happy medium yet with downsides tho, with a couple of really flat ones :s I'm looking forward to riding it, HUGE first corner, loving it. Rotherham or bolehills tomorrow morning anyone?
1 comment:
Are you photoshopped onto that first turn..? Its feckin huge!
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