We forget what an internet reliant world we live in, when I'm at uni my laptop is on most of the time and if i get an e-mail or there is a new post on the message board i know about it pretty asap. But being on the rock and not having broadband at home is a nightmare, I'm only home 3 months of the year and the prices are stupid over here so mum refuses, meaning I have to trek to the library every time i want to get the gossip.

Ah well, rant over, apart from that being at home is awesome, the weather has done i
ts usual thing over here and been extreme, either good or bad, mostly sunny though. Saturday was 1st race so we went up to the Gooseneck to watch the last couple of sidecar laps, before hitting the beach for some american football, loads of fun, John mate, you got done!

Went out with the boys again on saturday night and had a right laugh, the thing about TT is that everyone is in the same frame of mind - HAVE FUN. So after getting a few beers at JC's and finding out his dark howls at police sirens, hilarious when you've had a couple, we hit the last bus into douglas, the nearer town you get the busier it gets and the banter started to liven up, with cider spraying and other stuff i'm not willing to tell you about. Town was good, same old really, fair, Bushys tent, then hit up The Outback, what a shit hole, funny though, the South African bouncer wasn't to keen on our rowdy behaviour, I soon ripped him to shreds, behind his back, the guy was huge.

Mad Sunday was abit wet but still loads of people around, i went over to street fighter but nothing much was on so we decided to go to peel, by complete fluke missed all the actual entertainment except the last band, Uber Room, great timing guys, we win, then we went over to douglas to watch the purple helmets, on the in the Isle of Man could you get away with such casual racism, sooo funny though. Monday a few of us had a BBQ on the beach but forget a lighter, so i rode round to a pub, went in for some matches and came out with a job, the good old Royal George, bad one. It was also Jo's 18th birthday so went out for a couple of drinks with that crew, the young lady was wasted, hilarious, more of that on Friday for her propper party, woop.

Tuesday was sprint day, Ramseys biggest day of the year, was pretty good, loads of stuff going on, with fools on bikes doing an 1/8th of a mile in under 6 seconds, and hitting 125+ mph in that time, kkkkrazy. Had a catch up with the North East John and Dan Butterfield and Adam Smith who have come over for a couple of days which was cool.
Anyhoe I've got work, more pics to comer
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