Just a quick one, I'm up at
scotts watchin mtb DVDs, I've had loads of thoughts for my caddy but
dont have one, which sucks. On the top of my head is that I've gone from being a no
hoper uni drop out to, Junior Cycling Development Officer for the island and I've got an interview tomorrow for an Education Support role at
QEII high school, seriously, I'd be
soooo happy if I got it. all my worries would be gone. But
dont wanna jinx myself so not gonna say too much, talking of jinx though, one of the favours
i'm doing for mum this week is looking after one of her friends who's on holidays kitten, called jinx, how do i get roped into this stuff?

But on the bad side, mum went away for 2 weeks today on the 3 o'clock boat, I get a phone call at 1 from her whilst I'm at work; "can I borrow your car?" It appears that the gearbox has fallen out of the
megan, a four day turn around and about £1200, so after
abit of
panic she did the sensible thing, and bought another car, yer
thats 5 cars between the 3 of us now.
WTF? I guess we'll sort it out when she's back. So other things on the list of stuff
i'm doing for mum include, looking after her 2 dogs for the full 2 weeks, looking after someone
else's dog this weekend :S sorting her horses for a couple of days, taking her boss out to the horses to make sure she is capable of riding, oh yer, and looking after this kitten.

Coaches night out was last
friday, had a laugh with the guys, not many people turned up though, spent
saturday recovering from a
mammoth hangover and then worked till 4 at
shiters, got covered in blue stuff as there where smurfs out for a mates birthday, and some 35 year old bird would not leave me alone, plus a girl i got with a couple of weeks ago was all "why
havent you called?" its this small pond, i cant escape. This
sunday coming is the Isle of Man Downhill national so I'm gonna go and marshal for
scott and watch some mint racing apparently, they've built the course especially for the race so it should be a good one.
Anyhow, I've gotta go cram for my interview, anyone know anythin about ASD's?
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