Thursday, 18 June 2009

All is good in the hood!!!

So things are so inconsistent at home atm. One minutes I'm rammed with loads to do, and the next i just get ridiculously bored. Now i sit here and think about it, i am so busy that the brief periods of rest i do get may seem boring but are much needed and definitely well deserved.

Its Cheddar Euro's next weekend and I'm psyched, haven't booked anything yet but am definitely looking forward to it. I'll be right, it should just be a nice holiday with some riding to keep me fresh. Plus i really have to make the main at the brits this year, 3 years getting 5th in the semi is really becoming a joke. BAD TIMES.

School is good, 5 weeks left, its crazy that my 1st year is almost over. I'm just going through transitions with next years intake giving them the grand tour and hopefully minimising any problems that could occur. Its good to be prepared and all that.Footy training started on monday, so i should be starting to get in summer shape soon, play abit of beach footy and just generally have fun. Talking of the beach, I was trying to plan a beach party but have come to the conclusion that it needs to be properly planned down to the smallest detail, except the date. Everything just needs to be sat waiting to go and in needs to be an impromptu decision when the weather is good and everyone is in the mood.

BMX isle of man is really going places too. Just had the call from Douglas corp to re-develop their track, bigger budget than Peel and we already have a base to start from, woop. More news on that another time.

Laters :)

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