Now I dont have anything interesting to do / dont have any time to write about it the blogs are pretty sparce, so as a result these are just chunks of whats happenen. Its TT back home so things are mega busy, I worked all last week whilst practices where on which was hectic and then got sent home ill on Wednesday after some bad food at a BBQ on the beach on Tuesday night, as I was in less than good shape. Friday morning did a hot lap over the mountain to Dave Blacks, the moutain is one way for TT with no speed limit so it was a nice early morning blast to wake me up, boom, only got done by 3 bikes.

Got to Daves only to realise I didn't have a ticket for the boat, so we packed up, drove down to the ferry terminal and £74 later I was on my way to Liverpool, oh my days! We got down to Peterbro at about 3, put the biggest of big tents I have ever seen up and I went and did some practice.
The track has had some changes recently and the new bits where OK, the big double at the end though? WTF? Any how, I was abit dubious that the rest of the track hadn't been touched since the brits, the last straight was U shaped with only one line being ridden. Most others seemed to share my concerns. I didn't feel to be riding too badly though so role on race day. After dinner with Jez, Jordan, Flip and Mrs Flip (pro pasta) I got a taxi back to the campsite and got some rest.

The rain started at 1019 on Friday night, and I was pretty worried for how the weekend would turn out. It was still drizzling as I woke up on Saturday morning so I gave practice a miss and chilled out and tried to catch up with as many people as possible. Peterbro club worked really hard on the track in the morning and it was looking good when the sun came out and dried up all the fresh surface. 1st moto I snapped and was 2nd to the 1st corner, followed down the 2nd straight, and over the big doubles getting a bit more pump and catching them further, as I got closer and looked up I realised it was Twarn. Whats been going on? He must have been putting the hours in, I felt I was going pretty good, he was flying. Anyhow, I got on the inside into the 2nd berm and pushed him high and I nailed the 3rd straight building up a comfortable lead and took it all the way to the line, I did however want the throw up, I think I should have done a better warm up because I felt like crap. a 3rd in moto 2 and a 1 in the 3rd left me with 2nd pick. Maddocks had 1st pick and went 1, I got 2 and Vinyard had been cruising all through the moto's so was left with 5. Vinyard snapped and cut off Pople and Clarke (3 and 4) and came over on Maddocks, I got out the way and left them too it and managed to get a 3rd, Vinyard was flying though and took the points. I had pasta again on Satruday night, this time with the Goldcoast crew, one word sums it up, BANTER.
On Sunday it did reain, 1st moto was ok but then it chucked it down. I got 1.1.1. in my moto's but still got 2nd pick to Maddocks because of the alphabet. Pople and Clarke had learned from their mistakes on Saturday and left 3 for Vinyard, who made a great job of cutting me off and I had nowhere to go, 5th to the 1st corner, 5th to the line, bad times. but I do like Rich's summary of it over on
he was killing it in the motos, enough to remark that 'today was the day' Come the final and he cheeses it, riding like my 85 year old nan on her zimmer
We rode Manchester on Monday before getting the new boat home, its almost a proper ferry. Huge and pretty empty considering. Had a big day at the track yesterday opening it up to anyone who wanted a go as they past and enjoyed sprint day festivities. A pretty good day but I was shattered. I slept 12 hours last night and eventually feel half human again, now I must make the most of TT.
Fill you all in soon.
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